June 14, 2024

Summer Love

Summer is a time full of fun plans, but that can sometimes come at the expense of keep our relationship a priority. Here's our tips on how to make sure you are infusing fun date-nights into your summer, as well as some of our date-night ideas!

Family gatherings, vacations, weddings… we’re heading into a time of year that usually has our calendars packed with activities and adventures which can translate into lots of fun, and sometimes less time for connection in our relationship. Life is a balancing act of managing the day-to-day while trying to infuse joy as best we can. Sometimes in that shuffle, we lose sight of our relationship and feel less connected.

No matter how long you’ve been together, there is always more to learn, explore, and enjoy together. When you lose that inquisitiveness, that curiosity, that excitement, is when you may find your relationship to feel like it’s lacking. Get ahead of it this summer by thinking about when and how to schedule special date nights together. Here’s some tips:

-Grab the calendar – scheduling out dates may feel weird, but it’s super easy and helpful to keep you on track. Get the dates on your (virtual or physical) calendars.

-Be realistic – think quality over quantity. If you overschedule, these dates may feel like a chore instead of something special, plus you may feel disappointed if you end up cancelling.

-Equality – some people love to plan and some people simply don’t. That said, have a conversation about how much you both want to plan for these dates. You’ll be looking for some amount of shared responsibility.

-Surprises – remember those butterflies you felt early in your relationship? You would meet up for a date and not know what was going to happen, but you knew you were excited. Try to bring that feeling back by scheduling some special surprise dates for each other. Tune into what you think would put a huge smile on your partner’s face.

Some of our favorite date ideas? Botanical garden picnic. Amusement park. Sunrise hike. Firepit and s’mores. Set up a sprinkler. Hanukkah in July-themed dinner.

We want to hear about your best date this summer! DM us @sevencircleschicago and let us know!